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The Most Common English Phrases

Phrase Translate
It's 6AM Son las sies de la manana
It's 8:45 Son las ocho y cuarenta y cinco
It's a quarter to 7 Son las siete menos cuarto
It's August 25th Es el venticinco de Agosto
It's delicious Es delicioso
It's far from here Esta lejos aqui
It's going to be hot today Va a hacer calor hoy
It's going to snow today Va a nevar hoy
It's half past 11 Son las once y media
It's here Esta aqui
It's is a quarter past nine Son las nueve y cuarto
It's less than 5 dollars Es menos de cinco dolares
It's longer than 2 miles Es mas de dos millas
It's mine Es mio
It's more than 5 dollars Es mas de cinco dolares
It's near the Supermarket Esta cerca del supermercado
It's north of here Esta al norte de aqui
it's not suppose to rain today Se supone que no va a llover hoy
It's not too far No es demasiado lejos
It's not very expensive No es tan caro

Page 28 of 50, showing 20 records out of 986 total, starting on record 541, ending on 560

| 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32|
