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The Most Common English Phrases

Phrase Translate
Everyday I get up at 6AM Me levanto todos los dias a las seis de la manana
Everyone knows it Todos lo saben
Everything is ready Todo esta listo
Excellent Excelente
Excuse me Perdona
Excuse me, what did you say Perdona, que has dicho
Expiration date La fecha de caducidad
Fill it up, please Llenalo, por favor
Follow me Sigueme
For how many nights Por cuantas noches
Forget it Olvidalo
From here to there Desde aqui hasta alli
From time to time De vez en cuando
Give me a call Llamame
Give me the pen Dame el boligrafo
Go straight ahead Sigue recto
Good afternoon Buenas tardes
Good evening sir Buenas tardes senor
Good idea Buena idea
Good Luck Buena suerte

Page 9 of 50, showing 20 records out of 986 total, starting on record 161, ending on 180

| 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13|
