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The Most Common English Phrases

Phrase Traduire
Is there anything cheaper Hay algo mas barato
Is this a safe area Es esto un lugar seguro
Is this Mr. Smith Es esto el senor Smith
Is this pen yours Esto es tu boligrafo
Is this the bus to New York Esto es el autobus a New York
Is this your book Esto es tu libro
Is your father home Esta tu padre en casa
Is your house like this one Tu casa es parecido a esta
Is your husband also from Boston Tu marido tambien es de Boston, no
Is your son here Esta tu hijo aqui
Isn't it No
It costs 20 dollars per hour Cuesta veinte dolares por hora
It depends on the weather Depende del tiempo
It hurts here Duele aqui
It rained very hard today Llovio' fuertemente hoy
It takes 2 hours by car Tarda dos horas en coche
It will arrive shortly Llegare' dentro de poco
It'll be cold this evening Hara' frio esta noche
It's 11:30pm Son las once y media de la noche
It's 17 dollars Son diecisiete dolares

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