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The Most Common English Phrases

Phrase Traduire
Let's meet in front of the hotel Vamos a encontrarnos delante del hotel
Let's practice English Vamos a practicar el ingles
Let's share Vamos a compartir
Male or female Macho o hembra
May I speak to Mrs. Smith please Puedo hablar con la senora Smith, por favor
Maybe A lo mejor
More than 200 miles Mas de doscientas millas
More than that Mas de eso
My birthday is August 27th Mi cumpleanos es el ventisiete de Agosto
My car isn't working Mi coche no esta funcionando
My car was hit by another car Mi coche ha estado chocado de otro coche
My cell phone doesn't have good reception Mi movil no tiene buena covertura
My cell phone doesn't work Mi movil no funciona
My daughter is here Mi hija esta aqui
My father has been there Mi padre siempre ha estado alli
My father is a lawyer Mi padre es un abogado
My friend is American Mi amigo es Americano
My grandmother passed away last year Mi abuela se murio' el ano pasado
My house is close to the bank Mi casa esta cerca del banco
My luggage is missing Falta mi equipaje

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