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The Most Common English Phrases

Phrase Traduzir
Are your children with you Estan tus hijos contigo
As soon as possible Lo mas rapido posible
At 3 o'clock A las tres en punta
At 3 o'clock in the afternoon A las tres de la tarde
At 5th street A la calle quinta
At 7 o'clock at night A las siete de la tarde/noch
At 7 o'clock in the morning A las siete de la manana
At what time A que hora
At what time did it happen A que hora pasó
Be careful Ten cuidado
Be careful driving Ten cuidado conduciendo
Be quiet Callate (menos fuerte)
Behind the bank Detras del banco
Bring me my shirt please Traeme mi camisa por favor
Business is good La empresa va bien
Call me Llamame
Call the police Llama a la policia
Can I access the Internet here Puedo usar el internet aqui
Can I borrow some money Me prestas un poco de dinero
Can I bring my friend Puedo llevar a mi amigo

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