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The Most Common English Phrases

Phrase Traduzir
How much will it cost Cuanto va a costar
How much would you like Cuanto quieres
How old are you Cuantos anos tienes
How tall are you Como eres de alto
How was the movie Como era la pelicula
How was the trip Como era el viaje
How's business Como va la empresa
How's the weather Como esta el tiempo
How's work going Como va el trabajo
Hurry Corre! Date prisa
I agree Estoy de acuerdo
I ate already Ya comi'
I believe you Te creo
I bought a shirt yesterday Compre' una camisa ayer
I came with my family Vine con mi familia
I can swim Puedo nadar
I can't hear you No te oigo
I can't hear you clearly No te oigo claramente
I don't care No me importa
I don't feel well No me siento bien

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